CHG Rechtsanwälte launches new practice group for data & technology

CHG Rechtsanwälte launches new practice group for data & technology

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new data & technology practice group. At a time when digitalisation is playing a central role in the corporate world, we have recognised the need to provide our clients with specialised and innovative legal support.


Our background

For many years, legal issues in connection with digitalisation have been an integral part of our consulting practice. The constant development of new technologies requires companies to continuously adapt their business models and working methods. This brings with it a multitude of new and complex legal challenges. Creative and practical solutions are required to meet these challenges.

Our approach

With the establishment of the data & technology practice group, we are pooling our legal expertise, our technical know-how and our enthusiasm for innovation. The aim is to offer our clients in Innsbruck and Vienna an even higher degree of specialisation. We see ourselves not only as traditional legal advisors, but also as sparring partners for new ideas. Together we will guide you through the increasingly complex regulatory landscape.

Focal points of our advice

You can find a comprehensive overview of the specialisations of our new practice group on our website and in the attached flyer. Our expertise covers the following areas, among others:

  • IT-Law
  • E-Commerce & Digital Markets
  • Data & Data Privacy
  • Compliance & Cyber Security
  • Digitalisation
  • Intellectual Property

Stay informed

As part of our holistic consulting services, we offer you up-to-date information on legal developments. In our new data & technology newsletter, we regularly report on upcoming legal innovations, such as the AI Act or the Data Act, as well as on the Accessibility Act, which obliges eCommerce providers to take specific measures.

In addition, we invite you to take part in our regular webinars, which offer you detailed insights into selected topics. These webinars are free of charge and invitations are sent out via our newsletter. The first webinar will be dedicated to cybersecurity, as the NIS2 directive must be implemented by October 2024.

Thanks and outlook

We would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in us over the past few years. Clemens Handl and his team look forward to working with you to tackle the legal challenges of the future together.


We are ready!

Clemens Handl

Stefan Humer

Marco Ladner